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Film Production Financing Scheme (FPFS)

69 films
$277 million
Men On the Dragon
Men On the Dragon

The applicant must be a film production company formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) or the predecessor Ordinance (as defined in section 2 of Cap.622). The applicant, film producer, film director or any combination of them must have produced a total of at least two released films immediately preceding the date of application.

The film project:
  • must be a feature drama or animation film intended for commercial theatrical exhibition in Hong Kong with a production budget of not more than HK $60 million and the length of which must be 80 minutes or above;
  • should be shown to be commercially viable and has secured third-party financing to the satisfaction of the Government;
  • all film director(s) must be permanent resident of Hong Kong;
  • must employ at least one permanent resident of Hong Kong in any two of the following categories of the main film crew and cast : (i) the leading actor; (ii) the leading actress; (iii) the supporting actor; and (iv) the supporting actress;
  • must be potentially capable of qualifying for a certificate for public exhibition in Hong Kong under the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap. 392).


No application fee is charged. Applicants should refer to the respective Guides to Application for details on application procedures and eligibility criteria. Application Forms and Guides to Application can be downloaded here:

Film Production Financing Scheme
Film Production Financing Scheme (Relaxation Plan)

Please click here to see the "Frequently Asked Questions" Relating to the Application Procedures and Eligibility Criteria.

Contractual Arrangements

In respect of applications for financing film production, successful applicants will be required to execute financing contracts with the Government. Samples of the documents and contracts for financing film production are available here. Successful applicants of film financing will also be required to submit documents to prove the ownership of all the intellectual property rights of the film.

The FDF Application Forms and Guides to Application are also available at:

Title Content

Hong Kong Film Development Council Secretariat


40/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel. no. :

(852) 2594 5846

Fax no.:

(852) 2824 0595
