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Red Carpet event of the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards

Major Events

Red Carpet event of the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards
(15 April 2018)

Five fashion designers from HKDC and five costume designers from HKFAA worked with the artistes for the design of the Red Carpet outfits since February.

Nine artistes1, five fashion designers and five costume designers attended the Red Carpet event of the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards led by Mr. Victor TSANG (Head of CreateHK), Mr. MA Fung Kwok, S.B.S., J. P. (Chairman of HKFDC) and Ms. Tina LIU (Project and Creative Director of “Nova Power”). The artistes showcased their brand new images and demonstrated the cross-sector collaboration of film and fashion design industries.

1Remarks: Miss Yoyo FUNG (an actress of Apart) was absent because of illness. The outfit was presented by the fashion designer herself